Photo of Luis Ceballos Spain

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More allde any aspiration, the artistic Done as a way of life. View space smell the air, touching the skin, taste the wine, or silence, thinking in images, giving and receiving instant. Luis Ceballos naciautodidacta in Torrelavega, Cantabria, in the year 1956 trasladcon In 1969 his family to Barcelona, where despertsu interest in painting, receiving teachings and advice from many different sources. The painter and...

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More allde any aspiration, the artistic Done as a way of life. View space smell the air, touching the skin, taste the wine, or silence, thinking in images, giving and receiving instant. Luis Ceballos naciautodidacta in Torrelavega, Cantabria, in the year 1956 trasladcon In 1969 his family to Barcelona, where despertsu interest in painting, receiving teachings and advice from many different sources. The painter and teacher catedrtico Adrin Lanuza contribuydefinitivamente the installation of his artistic vocation. In 1980 he returned to Cantabria, where she participates in and get some lessons certmenes Pedro Sobrado teacher who helps him feel especially creative freedom. Luis Ceballos spent several years doing all sorts of work and to take a course in design and manufacture of furniture, discovers his vocation D, ponindose immediately to the creation of sculptural furniture, which leads him to sculpture. In 1995, he presented as a sculptor to contest the city of Chicago Around the Coyote, and Ibero-American Consular gets the prize for the Arts. In 96, he founded and directed the gallery for four years Cultures de Santander, in other hands today. Some exhibitions in Chicago, Lisbon and Cantabria are among its activities, but his favorite is to share something with someone, anywhere, for returning to study, translate and express the meaning, continually seeking new ways to do it.

Currently, Luis Ceballos estvolcado in photography and works on Marbella.

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